ETA is a nonprofit organization established and
registered in Tanzania 2014 in accordance to NGO act 2002.ETA registration
number is 00NGO/00007026. ETA is a Non Profit
Organization aiming at equipping and imparting civic education as well as
general knowledge among Tanzanians society and Community at large, focusing
specific on moving the all Tanzanian to self determination and awareness ETA is established by energetic, inspired and motive
individuals and has established excellent management and organizational
The vision of ETA is to have Tanzania Communities which are best
laying self awareness, democratic society, the excellent one that advocates the
civic education and personal advancement programms.
Identification and initiation of scientific and systematic systems
within the communities that identify potential impacts, risks and vulnerable
people in the United Republic of Tanzania in order to strengthen communities’
capacities, and enhance knowledge that will prevent and reduce the scope of
personal and civic unawareness hence being able to absorb and cope with human
rights challenges
Provision of humanitarian and educational services to extracted
communities and individuals reduce their sufferings and promote human dignity
at all times
Promotion and building communities’ capacity in fighting poverty,
diseases and illiteracy.