Prime Minister’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PMORALG)
conducted a two day working session with all Regional Education Officers (25), District
Education officers, Academic Officers and Adult Education Officers from 160
main aim for the session, which was launched by the PMORALG Permanent
Secretary, Mr. Jumanne Sagini, was to provide an overview of the LANES
programme including roles and responsibilities of officers at different levels of
planning and implementation, expected programme results, and Financial
to the working session, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
(MOEVT) in collaboration with PMORALG had appointed Focal Persons who would
coordinate implementation of the LANES programme at departmental level, one
from each Ministry’s department. Following the appointment, a weeklong session
was held in Morogoro from 21st to 26th July, concluded by
a half-day session with the PMORALG Permanent Secretary.
the MOEVT is in the final stages of recruiting a National Coordination Team
that will facilitate implementation of the LANES Programme. The team will
include a National Coordinator, M&E Specialist, Procurement Specialist,
Financial Management Specialist and Adult and Non Formal Education Specialist.