




















Our Vision

The vision of  ELIMIKA TANZANIA is to have Tanzania Communities which are best laying self awareness, democratic society, the excellent one that advocates the civic education and personal advancement program
Our Mission
To empower youths through community-based education, mentoring and employment readiness programs to help them develop skills and strengthen ties to family and community
Our objective
·         To lead Tanzania community especially under served youths to self determination
·         To train and connect youths to entrepreneurial opportunities
·         To foster awareness and self determination among youths
Our outcomes
Elimika will deliver its outcomes under two areas
·         Youth unemployment reduced
·         Youth Empowerment and self determination enhanced
The Values of Elimika Tanzania Organization (ETA) shall be:
 Humanity: strengths focused on tending and befriending others, associated with love, kindness, and social intelligence.
 Integrity: reverence of uncompromising and predictably consistent commitment to honor moral, ethical, spiritual and artistic values and principles or the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

 Protection: at all times perpetual of activities aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of all individuals in accordance with law, including international humanitarian, human rights regardless of their age, gender or social, ethnic, national, religious or other background.
Participation: In view of the fact that, the affected communities are not just victims but equal partners along the process of disaster response and post disaster activities each person will have a fair and equal opportunity of participation.   
Freedom: The organization will act with accordance to the purpose of preserving individual’s freedom and the right to live as a free person.
Equity & Equality: Fairness and impartiality towards all concerned issue, based on the principles of evenhanded dealing.

Elimika Tanzania organization
is a non - governmental, non- profit making, non partisan established in 2014 in accordance with Ngo act of 2002 to be an effective tool for young people’s in Tanzania to engage fully in community and become reliable frontiers of change and development. Looking forward to work with the society in urban and rural areas to address youth challenges and problems also provide capacity building in various issues.
With one year of operation as an NGO, Elimika has addressed various youth challenges such as lack of awareness and self determination among youths, Following the persistent increase in youth unemployment ,Elimika in this first strategic plan  will focus on two main areas
Youth unemployment
Youth empowerment and self determination

Within each of these two outcomes areas we have identified specific aspects
to achieve over the next two years that give Elimika focus and provide the Basis for holding us accountable.


 Youth unemployment

The state of the labour force in Tanzania shows that the majority of the able-bodied population continues to be primarily under-employed. Most labour market analysis studies have shown a persistent exclusion of th emajority of the labour force from productive activities of a dynamic and sustainable form, of the underdevelopmentof rural and urban non-formal economies, and of the inability of the formal economies to generateadequate employment opportunities. There is a high level of underemployment amongst the youth, withnew entrants in the labour market estimated to be one million youths each year’

Unemployment has been a critical challenge in the global agenda; most of all the countries face unemployment challenges though in different rates. Global Employment Trends for 2012 show that 74.8 million youth aged 15-24 were unemployed in 2011, rising by around four million since 2007. Globally, young people are nearly three times as likely as adults to be unemployed, on the basis of an annual report on global employment report International Labour Organization (ILO)

Government statistics released in January 2013 indicate that the country’s unemployment rate stood at 11.7 per cent in 2012 from 10.7 percent in 2011. Youth are the most affected group. A labour force survey in Tanzania done in 2012 indicates that youth unemployment was 33 per cent of the entire unemployed population.

According to the report of M. C. Mcha Acting Director of Employment, Ministry of Labor and Employment (February, 2012) New entrants in the labor market estimated between 800,000 – 1,000,000 school and college graduates each year, resulting to high number of unemployed youth. Unemployed people had reached 2.3 million, equivalent to 11.7% of all persons aged 15 years and above, Unemployment rate amongst youth (15-34 years old) was 13.4%, female’s stands at 14.3% and amongst males were 12.3% (ILFS, 2007). Urban areas are hardest hit with unemployment rate reaching 22.3% as against 7.1% in the rural areas. The situation is most critical in Dar es Salaam with unemployment rate standing at 31.5%.

The employment challenges in Tanzania are enormous and calls for an urgent need for an adequate response and a comprehensive approach towards addressing it. Employment promotion for poverty reduction is a primary goal in Tanzania. For example the Decent Work Country Programme strives for economic growth with equity, whereas contributing to all the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Government efforts

According to the Government of Tanzania, it recognizes the link between economic growth, poverty reduction and labour market performance and has implemented a number of measures and polices to strengthen the labour market institutions and systems that promote and coordinate employment. Since the adoption of the National Employment Policy in 1997, the Government in collaboration with other stakeholders continued to design and implement a number of policies and programmes aimed at enhancing job creation. These programmes included National Youth Development Policy 2007 and Youth Action Plan; a comprehensive employment creation Programme 2011 – 2015 with special focus on youth; and Youth Entrepreneurship Facility Programme. Supportive policy and legal frameworks have been developed and reviewed for enhancing employment creation. Such programmes and projects implemented, include those focusing on increasing financial support for micro credit schemes for the youth, women, entrepreneurs and other vulnerable groups, skills training through vocational education and training, management and business training and counseling as well as review of labour and employment related laws. It is accepted, however, that past efforts have not been sufficient to prevent an increase in national Unemployment and Underemployment rates. Hence the need arise to promulgate a new national employment policy (2008) to reverse the past trends and not only reduce Unemployment, Underemployment rates but also increase labour productivity


Self-determination (SDT) is an empirically based theory of human motivation, development, and wellness. The theory focuses on types, rather than just amount, of motivation, paying particular attention to autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and motivation as predictors of performance, relational, and well-being outcomes. It also addresses the social conditions that enhance versus diminish these types of motivation, proposing and finding that the degrees to which basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are supported versus thwarted affect both the type and strength of motivation. SDT also examines people’s life goals or aspirations, showing differential relations of intrinsic versus extrinsic life goals to performance and psychological health. In this introduction we also briefly discuss recent developments within SDT concerning mindfulness and vitality, and highlight the applicability of SDT within applied domains, including work, relationships, parenting, and education, virtual
Environments, sport, sustainability, health care, and psychotherapy.

Implementation Framework
Key result outcomes 2015-2016

Outcome 1: youth unemployment reduced

Elimika will use the following strategies to reduce youth unemployment.

·         Conduct 120 training and seminar  on entrepreneurships
·         Conduct  concerts regarding youth unemployment and career development that will provide knowledge on available opportunities in the market
·         Establish magazine that will provide information about youths projects and financing opportunities.
·         Link youths with financing institutions and organization that administer youth’s funds. Example link with Neec,ministry of information,youth,culture and sport and other stakeholder with same activities.

Outcome 2: Youth Empowerment and self determination enhanced
To enhance youth empowerment and self determination Elimika will
·         Establish 150 Eliminate clubs in school, colleges and university, acting as forum for motivation and self awareness.
·         Conduct 120 seminar and training in collaboration with other educator to raise awareness on various social issues.
·         To establish mentorship programs for youth.
·         To distribute publications offered by other organizations which have various topics on youths
                                                                         Become concert partner here
 CONTACT US :E-MAIL +255766090900,0714574319